January 2021 - Phone Wallpaper Freebie

Remember early last year when many of us made a list full of goals to achieve for 2020? Then a major pandemic hit?  It was a hard year in many aspects. Although there was also some good that came from spending more time at home together, it was tough for many, including my family.

When I met with my team at Presentlee to discuss our goals for 2021, our conversation led us to pose a question. If circumstances don’t change in the new year, what can we actually do to find or create happiness?   

My friend Leanne from Lavenders Longshot shared a podcast recently from @hiddenbrain called “Minimizing pain, Maximizing joy” and I really enjoyed it.  My favorite quote from the episode was “Do what you can, with what you’ve got, with where you are.” When I heard those words, I realized that was what I wanted to really focus on this year. Nobody has any idea what 2021 will have in store for us, and just yesterday, as I watched the news and saw people storm the US Capital, I realized in order to not let fear get the better of me, I need to learn to focus on what I can control, which is my reaction to what’s happening around me. 

Do what you can, with what you've got, with where you are

Our team at Presentlee has decided that no matter what this new year brings, our goal is to do what we can, with what we’ve got, with where we are. This makes me happy and I feel like it’s an attainable goal for everyone in many different circumstances. For this month’s freebie, we’ve created a phone wallpaper including this quote to serve as a daily reminder.  As you continue to walk forward into this new year, I pray that you will find happiness in your unique circumstances.

May 2021 be your year! 


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