November 2020 - Thankful Tree

One thing grief has taught me is how powerful gratitude can truly be. Read more about it here. Over the years I've learned it's one sure way to bring me out of a funk.

Did you know that gratitude is actually a learned behavior? I was surprised to learn that it doesn't come naturally and takes practice. It's actually one of the reasons I designed this journal.  With so much happening in the world, I've decided I want to bring more gratitude into our home and teach my children how to be thankful for all that they have.

For this month's freebie, we've designed a thankful tree to help any family look for things to be thankful for.



This tree was designed to be printed and fit a 16x20 frame. Print and cut out either set of leaves, write items that you are grateful for and add them to the tree. This can be a month long activity or completed all in one day. My goal is to add to ours before bedtime and help my kids start looking for things that they are thankful for throughout the day. This would also be fun to do on Thanksgiving with extended family. 


Thankful Tree
Colored Leaves
Black and White Leaves

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